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Tag: linkedin

How an introduction in connection request makes the difference

In last days I’m receiving a lot of connection requests within Facebook and LinkedIN. 100% of these are unqulified ones: from people I’ve never met before or I’ve never interact with and without any introduction. Because the easiness to click “Send connection request” and “Add as a Friend” button, It makes people lazy in giving you any kind of introduction about themself. This is a common and unfair behaviour on online networking. Doesn’t matter if you are trying to contact an Open Networker or Not. Even if your target contact is an open networker, it doesn’t mean that you can avoid to introduce yourself. Because your target contact is an open networker, she/he receives hundreds of contact requests and you probably will be just one of them, just a new stamp in her/his contact list, a new email address to “spam” to. After 5 minutes you’ve been added, probably she/he will have forgotten your name and your face. Ok, you have a connection more and probably you can access to her/his friends/contacts list and so what? Which is the goal you are reaching? Networking online is just the same as networking face-to-face. Would you ever approach to a person during an event without introducing yourself and asking her/him for their business card and address list? I suppose you wouldn’t. If you act like that, in the best scenario the person probably will give you her/his business card but she/he will forget you one second later. In the worst case she/he will completely ignore you even if he is an open networker. The politeness isn’t an option. Here is some advatages you can gain introducing yourself: You’ll be noticeable. Being a contact used to receive unqualified connection request, just because you’ve introduced yourself, you will  be noticed by her/him. When you’ll send a new message, she/he will recognize you. You’ll be intersting. If in your introduction you’ll give a reason-why and you’ll show that you payed attention to the contact’s profile, you’ll drive your target contact to “study” your profile too. You’ll establish a relationship. Seeing a personalized message, a target contact will be impelled to write you back. You’ll get her/his attention and you shall establish a contact since the beginning. Paying attention to a small detail, such as writing 2 lines in your contact request, you are already helping your business. Is it a so big effort, comparing to the benefits?  

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How to verify people telling they trust you

Even if many blogger and networking experts continuosly suggest to avoid to send generic connection requests, this behavior is still common. So, if we don’t want push away the 80% of connection requests we receive, a verification process is needed. Since I’ve joined LinkedIN, I’ve tested different methods and now I probably found the one that suits to me and, I hope, to you too.

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WordPress, Pinterest e Evernote: gli account impossibili da chiudere

Prima di aprire un proprio account su una piattaforma, sarebbe importante sapere anche le modalità di cancellazione. Spesso si da per scontato che ad ogni creazione esista sempre la possibilità di poter eliminare il proprio account ed i dati ad esso associati. Sfortunatamente così non è. Ad esempio sapevate che un account su Craiglist o su Evernote è impossibile da chiudere? Ebbene, si. Una volta creato il profilo su queste piattaforme niente può più essere rimosso. O meglio: niente può più essere rimosso automaticamente. Ad esempio su Evernote, l’unica  possibilità è cancellare manualmente tutte le note create ma il profilo viene mantenuto, anche se inattivo. Lo stesso dicasi per WordPress. Anche qui l’account non può essere cancellato e l’unico modo per “svuotare” la propria presenza è di cancellare qualsiasi impostazione, blog, post che si sia creato. E ancora Pinterest. Anche questo servizio non prevede la cancellazione dell’account, ma solo la sua disattivazione. – la directory che spiega come eliminare i profili è una directory che raccoglie i principali servizi su web ed indica il grado di difficoltà e la procedura per poter cancellare il proprio profilo sulle diverse piattaforme. I gradi di difficoltà sono indicati con i colori: nero = impossibile verde= facile (easy) rosso=difficile (hard) giallo=medio (medium) Per ciascuna piattaforma, è riportato il link alla pagina del servizio che spiega come sia possibile (se lo è) cancellare il proprio account. Si scopre così che, spesso, si offre la possibilità di disattivare il profilo, ma non di cancellare le informazioni ad esso associate che restano di proprietà dell’azienda che eroga il servizio. Si impara anche che in LinkedIN è facile cancellarsi e che per cancellare il proprio account su Amazon, è necessario inviare una email di richiesta. Sarebbe il caso di porre qui degli standard. Alla fin fine i dati dovrebbero essere proprietà del singolo, o no?

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Empower your LinkedIN Profile

Proving competences and skills is the key to get visible and to get find out by potential prospects and recruiters. The new LinkedIN profile added important features to enrich profiles with contents such as images, video, audio, presentations and documents. The greatest opportunity is to create a documented “file” and a track of records of activities. Contents can be added within “Summary” section and each experience. There are no official rules in deciding where to upload them but, as general suggestion, we can say that in the summary you can upload contents related to the career, such as certifications, video presentation, show cases, ecc; in experience you should upload specific project related to your job. How to add contents STEP 1: Enter the Editing mode of profile from Menu > Profile > Edit Profile STEP 2: In the summary or experiences section, near the title, search for the icon of a rectangle with a “+” symbol STEP 3: A form will be showned asking to insert the direct URL to the content you want to link. How to find out the correct URL to insert depends on the service you are using. In Youtube is the link of a video that showned as where code XYZ is an alphanumeric unique code for that video. In slideshare the url appears similar to Generally, you need to open the specific content, copy the URL from the address bar of your browser and paste it on the required field. STEP 4 Edit the Title and the Description. Once you added the url, Linkedin asks to indicate the Title of the content and a description. This is an important step in order to give information to profile’s visitors and to reached within the search. Thats all, now the specified content is linked to your profile section. You can decide to move it from one experience to another without the need to upload it again. To to like that, you have to enter the edit mode of the specific content you want to move (just clicking on the pen simbol) and select from the drop down menu (“Move this media to”) the section you want to upload to. Are you using this feature to enrich your profile? Which kind of content you usually link?

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How new LinkedIN Ad Tool works

Some days ago, I’ve written a post highlighting the mismatching in statistical data from LinkedIN Ads, asking to my self what was happening. The aswer was so simple: Linkedin has been changing the LinkedIN ADS tool. LinkedIN now profiles ads according to the profile language, according to a communication I received last 31th October. This means that now target audience showed by LinkedIN Ads tool  refers only to a subset of the selected country. It shows profiles in that country that are consistent to the language you have specified into “Ad language” field. So, now, if we want a statistical overview per country or worldwide, we have to create different ads in different languages availabe on LinkedIN in order to have a total amount of profile. Doing like that, it is important to consider that probably LinkedIN will count as unique each language-profile. This mean that if a user in UK – for istance – has a profile in German and English it will be count twice, one for the German profile and the other for the English.

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