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Tag: social media marketing

EXPO 2020 On Line Competition, Dubay gains the best results

Websites and Youtube are the most common tatics. Dubay is the most active on-line with the highest rank on Search Engine, the largest number of fans and follower on Facebook and Twitter. Izmir registered the highest social links popularity and YouTube viewers. Brazil is the worst on-line competitor. How EXPO 2020 candidates are using Internet to promote their candidacy? Generally it seems that web is not a main channel for promoting the candidacy, even if Dubay (UAE) and Izmir (Turkey) are the candidates paying more attention to the tools. Sao Paulo (Brazil) is the candidate paying less attention to internet strategy, limiting its on-line presence to a static website and to an YouTube Channel with promotional videos. Other than YouTube, Facebook and Twitter are the most common tatics used by candidates. Especially Dubay is the most active on social media having the largest number of Fan on Facebook and follower on Twitter and an average of 6.8 tweets per day. About websites, the general official language is English (4 on 5 websites).  Abount language the general approach is to give contents in English, French and national language. Izmir websites, the only one having national as default language, offers contents in 7 different languages, becoming the most international website. With Dubay’s  website, Izmir one is the most complete.  Both, indeed, pay attention to extend the institutional contents about candidacy with ambassador programs. Moreover, Izmir websites offer a form to apply as an Volunteer. Searching the web for “Expo 2020”, anyway, Dubay and Ekaterinburg (Russia) are the top-ranked in search engines. Izmir is the one with highest social link popularity. Considering Social Media, Dubay is again the one gaining the best results on Facebook and Twitter. Brazil has no official Facebook and Twitter accounts. Russia and Thailand are using the social networks, but with low total amount of Fans and Followers. No candidate actually is using LinkedIN with an official group or page.   About Reasearch The reaserch took place between 18th and 19th December and used the following tools: Google Trends, to overview the global search for “Expo 2020” Social Links Popularity Tool, to obtain analyze link popularity among social media Rank Check Tool, to discover the positioning within search engines Hootsuite to find out data on Twitter accounts Direct observation for Facebook and YouTube Accounts Direct observation on websites

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Rapportive. Gmail diventa Social CRM?

Ricevete una email da qualcuno, il cui nome vi è noto ma non sapete un gran che di lui (o non ve lo ricordate). Provate ora ad immaginare, una volta aperta l’email, di avere tutte le informazioni sulla persona a portata di mano (in quali network sta, cosa ha pubblicato di recente, email e numeri di telefono pubblici, ecc.) e di poterci aggiungere anche delle note. Rapportive è una applicazione per il momento disponibile solo per GMAIL che offre una sidebar in cui visualizzare tutte le informazioni sul mittente dell’email. E’ di facilissima installazione e, collegandosi ai propri account LinkedIN, Twitter, Facebook, GooglePlus e altri costruisce una scheda sintetica del mittente a cui poter eventualmente aggiungere note. Un piccolo passo verso il Social CRM integrato? Sarà per questo che LinkedIN ha acquistato l’azienda?  

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LinkedIN announce the Company Follow Button

Linkedin announced to have released the Follow Button for Companies. Companies will be adding this button to their websites, making it easier for any consumer on the web to begin following companies of interest, on LinkedIn. Clicking on the Follow Company button and, as long as you are logged onto LinkedIn, you will automatically “follow” the company. As for Facebook Pages, the button will permit to users to stay updated about news from Company Pages. Introducing the Follow Button for Companies, LinkedIN avoids users to search for firms within LinkedIN but they can start follow a potential interesting company also from outside the network, as it happen for Facebook Fanpage Button. Users needs only to be logged in LinkedIN and they will automatically follow brands, just clicking on “Follow”, receiving news and updates from Company. What will be next step?

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Avoid rendundant information using social media

Authomatism in social publishing and syndacations are helpful because they helps you to keep your presence alive in your accounts. The basic idea is: I connect all my accounts each other in orther to share (shot? spam?) contents on my other accounts. However the main problem is that bidirectional connection risk to generate a loop where your post are duplicated more than once on each network. Compliments, you’ve just joined the spam country club. So, expecially if you use social media as a professional tool, it’s important to avoid redundancy and spamming your network. Here it is how to do: Choose your hub. Depending on contents you want to share and the target you want to achieve, chose the main social media target. In your choice consider how it will publish the content, how it will manage the stream and how much it is open to syndacate with other social media. For instance, Twitter will show a textual headline with a link but no images (the new interface would resolve this problem), so It’s important to give a relavant description to your link also because this structure will be propagated to other social networks. If you don’t know exactly wich one to choose, I suggest to take a paper and list down in a matrix structure all your accounts. For each account list the popular type of contacts you have (i.e. Friends, Business, Gatekeeper), how actually you are using it and how is the reaction of community basing on some statistical data. For a first knowledge of tool available look at “The best new social media analytics tools of the year (so far)“  Make a map of your flow Take pencil and paper and draw the map with connection you want establish between networks. You can choose to have only one hub and connect all accounts to it, or to build a propagation stream. Whatever is your choice, to have a map will help you to take the appropriate decisions to build your stream. Connect to others profile Once you choose the hub of your streaming, connect the choosen hub to other social media profiles. Different from some months ago, many social network such as Facebook (or Google Plus) no more permit to automatically import RSS feed into your account. Usually you have to use third party application to connect the accounts. To link twitter to facebook I suggest the well integrated Twitter For Facebook. Almost every social network offers integration tool with Facebook and Twitter, so it wouldn’t be so difficult to take them connected. If It is, let me know!:) What if I want re-organize all my flow? If you already have a flow and you want to…

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… inter pares

Forse uno dei segreti del social media marketing è porsi come uno dei membri, non prevalere e nemmeno forzare le cose. Saper ascoltare, essere trasparenti e a avere “buon senso“.  Attraverso il buon Gianluigi Zarantonello, sono arrivato alla lista di 7 consigli pubblicati da Enzo Santagata su Social Media Marketing:   Non parlare ai consumatori. Non vogliono ascoltarti, vogliono essere ascoltati. Offri una ragione per partecipare. Se le persone non percepiscono di ottenere un valore aggiunto dal condividere le loro opinioni, non verranno da te (magari vanno dal tuo diretto concorrente, che ha saputo soddisfarli meglio). Resisti alla tentazione di vendere a tutti i costi. Sperimenta e tieniti aggiornato. Ma soprattutto sperimenta, e se sbagli sperimenta ancora. Ascolta le conversazioni che avvengono anche al di fuori del tuo sito. E partecipa anche lì indicando chiaramente chi sei e perchè stai partecipando. Chi ha provato a fare il furbo è stato smascherato prima che potesse rendersene conto. Cedi il controllo della comunicazione. Non aver paura di aprire le tue porte alle critiche. Quando una community si sente controllata e forzata verso una direzione a senso unico imposta dall’azienda, non dura molto. Fai in modo che nella tua organizzazione ci siano quante più persone possibili che abbiano un background composto dal pensiero pragmatico da uomo di marketing, dalla curiosità incosciente di un sociologo e che siano grandi appassionati di social network. Condivido totalmente i punti 6 e 7. Difficile però trovare questa sensibilità. Richiede, ancora una volta, un cambiamento nella cultura aziendale. Se si pensa che solo oggi le aziende iniziano a comunicare in stile anni 80, probabilmente dovremo aspettare il 2020 perchè si accorgano che fanno parte di una Conversazione e non di un monologo. Per piacere, smentitemi!

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