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5 new linkedin features you probably are missing

LinkedIN pays a lot of attention in enhancing services in order to incentive people to subscribe Premium accounts.In the past days Linkedin has stared to roll out new features aimed to enhance the visibility of the profile. The main ones are related to: Profile design, a support system to optimize the profile summary, a better outstanding in search results, an “open profile” option and more enhanced “Who Viewed Your Profile” Profile design The profile design has 2 significant changes. The first one is the opportunity to set a “background header image”. Following the major trend in social media tools design, a premium member now can set an header background image to customize the profile. You can choose your custom header from a set of preloaded background images or upload your own. The second one is the larger profile photo and the expanded profile header. Is it really necessary? Until people don’t reach your profile, probably it doesn’t. Anyway if you are used to share your Linkedin Profile link on your email signature, business card or other social media profiles, a customizable header can be helpful to enrich your personal or business brand. Companies paying for the employee’s premium account can ask to their employee to upload a branded header in order to aware their brand. Summary Optimization Summary is among the most important parts of your profile because it is used by LinkedIN Search Engine to discover you when people is searching by keywords. Now LinkedIN Premium Users has an assistant helping to find out the most suitable keywords to use while writing the summary. How It Works? Linkedin finds out profiles similar to you and looks at the most effective keywords used suggesting  you to include them in your Summary. About my summary, for example, LinkedIn suggests to use some keywords such as Media Planning, Marketing Communication, media communication and so on. In choosing which one to include, it must be kept in mind what is your positioning statement and which one of the suggested really fits your skills. Don’t be seducted by the siren inviting you to “appear”.  It’s important but it isn’t enough. You must be consistent with your real competences. Better outstanding in search results When you will appear in search result your profile will outstand better than non premium member. The listing will be twice as big as other results and offer more tidbits from your profile: Past and Current Jobs and the latest education degree. Open profile As a Premium Member your profile is Open. That’s mean that anyone, even who is more than three degree away, can message you for free without the need to be connected to you or to use a InMail Message.…

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How internet censorship impacts directly your business

From ethical and personal freedom’s point of view, internet censorship is the worst adoptable policy for a Country and this would be enough for engaging a fight against it. Ethic and freedom, anyway, are just the fingertip of the censorship’s impacts on a Society. Indeed, thanks to VPNs, OpenDNS and proxy servers the censorship can be bypassed and contents can be easily reached by users, reducing the problem of information access. The heaviest impact is related to the business and, especially, in the internet business strategy. A user using a Proxy or a VPN is able to reach and use a content, but his/her identity is twisted by the IP and user agent’s info transmitted by the browser once she/he reaches the websites. You can ask yourself “How could it impact my business? His/her reaching is more important than his/her surfing profile”. The answer is quite simple: your website stats are false and you’re no more able to understand who is your target audience and which is your target market. Censorship wastes the online advertising investments Normally online advertising tools, even Google Adwords, show ads recognizing some elements from your connections such as the IP Address. For instance, try to connect to a website with your real IP address and then through a VPN. You can see that the shown advertisements will be different according the network you are using. That means that someone is paying to show you ads created for a target that you are not. They are wasting their money because you are using a VPN to avoid a censorship. What if you are that advertiser? Censorship affects your website analytics Since YouTube and Twitter has been banned in Turkey, the number of VPN connections are increasingly gone up. One of my projects, targeted to Italian speaking Turks aims to reach this segment especially in Turkey. Comparing the Country Source before and after the banning, I registered a different distribution that let me supposing an increasing use of VPN software. The number of sessions from Turkey were used to be about 50% of totals. In March Twitter and YouTube have been banned, the incoming session from Turkey went down to 23,9% in April from the 44% in February. Looking at other countries, I observed that visits from UK, Switzerland and UK grew up. Especially UK in April generated more than 2% of total visits when it was used to represent the 0.7% in previous months. Furthermore looking at “New Visits”, the 80% of UK visitors were New Visitors in February. The percentage fell down to 28% in April, showing that more and more users virtually connected from UK has been becoming returning visitors. Censorship generates uncertainty and…

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What Linkedin is still missing

Linkedin is still today the number one business networking site and counts about 260 million users worldwide. In last years the company made a lot of investments tin order to improve corporate offering, focusing on empowering the corporate pages and introducing a lot of marketing tools such as the targeted updates, targeted contents, company page and group insights. From a personal use perspective, I mean the professional profile management, except the restyling of profiles and the introduction of some rich media enforcement, the efforts were not so big. Also if you subscribe a premium account, the features enabled by subscription are very limited. You can see a more detailed list of people visiting your profile (according to their privacy policy) and you have some insights about how they’ve reached you and the most visiting industries. What it is still missing today is a tool able to analyze the network. Many years ago, Linkedin offered you some insights about your 1st degree connections telling the trending industries, the trending role and something like that. Those data had been removed and now, also if you are a Premium member, aren’t available. More: if you download your connection list, you can’t gain any useful data set more than the email address, company and descriptive (not by category – department and level) roles. In a business networking strategy such information are as important as the breath and it could be an added reason why to, eventually, subscribe a premium account. Also if you look for a third-party application for linkedin profile insights the offering si very limited and not so complete. 3 Applications you can use to manage your networking 1. INMAPS   Linkedin InMaps is a network visualization tool able to show the structure of your network. Pros easy to understand the structure of the network clustering Cons No given insights Manual coding color Difficult to decode for large and dense network 2. Can We Network Can We Network is an application for Apple and Android based devices able to profile the most interesting contacts (actual or potential) near you. It analyzes your profile and search the linkedin network those contacts matching your profile better. Pros Act as a decision support system to identify new prospects Gives you a radial graph to understand the suggestion Profiles can be visualized directly within the app Add people directly from the app Cons No insights about your network Based only on your profile. I.e.: if you are a Social Media Manager in UK, the app shall suggests other social media manager in UK 3. ProInsights ProInsights is the only application I found that responds to the need to have some insights about your network. The app goes through your…

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How an introduction in connection request makes the difference

In last days I’m receiving a lot of connection requests within Facebook and LinkedIN. 100% of these are unqulified ones: from people I’ve never met before or I’ve never interact with and without any introduction. Because the easiness to click “Send connection request” and “Add as a Friend” button, It makes people lazy in giving you any kind of introduction about themself. This is a common and unfair behaviour on online networking. Doesn’t matter if you are trying to contact an Open Networker or Not. Even if your target contact is an open networker, it doesn’t mean that you can avoid to introduce yourself. Because your target contact is an open networker, she/he receives hundreds of contact requests and you probably will be just one of them, just a new stamp in her/his contact list, a new email address to “spam” to. After 5 minutes you’ve been added, probably she/he will have forgotten your name and your face. Ok, you have a connection more and probably you can access to her/his friends/contacts list and so what? Which is the goal you are reaching? Networking online is just the same as networking face-to-face. Would you ever approach to a person during an event without introducing yourself and asking her/him for their business card and address list? I suppose you wouldn’t. If you act like that, in the best scenario the person probably will give you her/his business card but she/he will forget you one second later. In the worst case she/he will completely ignore you even if he is an open networker. The politeness isn’t an option. Here is some advatages you can gain introducing yourself: You’ll be noticeable. Being a contact used to receive unqualified connection request, just because you’ve introduced yourself, you will  be noticed by her/him. When you’ll send a new message, she/he will recognize you. You’ll be intersting. If in your introduction you’ll give a reason-why and you’ll show that you payed attention to the contact’s profile, you’ll drive your target contact to “study” your profile too. You’ll establish a relationship. Seeing a personalized message, a target contact will be impelled to write you back. You’ll get her/his attention and you shall establish a contact since the beginning. Paying attention to a small detail, such as writing 2 lines in your contact request, you are already helping your business. Is it a so big effort, comparing to the benefits?  

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We are Italians, they don’t

I want to apologize you, World, for the drama/comedy you have been seing  since last 20 years from Italy. Sure, you could use what you’ve been seing to produce tons of fictions with a lot of new italian cliché but probably you’ll be forced to pay for the rights and for on-line distribution, if you want to distrubute it to the italian market, you’ll probably and rightly choose to not supply the italian market with this new contents. So we’ll never know it and Italians shall continue to perceive themself as the best population in the world. When I say Italians, I don’t mean the wide population. There’s a part of them having a “limited strategic view” and working hard to try to improve the cultural and economic environment, feeling and knowing that actually Italy is a part of a most enlarged world and it can still have a key role in this networked-map. They are those “conservatives” and “foreign lovers” thinking that a WebTax is a way to kill the digital business, that the incentive to the pressed publishing but not to the digital one will reduce the markets only to the big publishers. Pay attention. Those Italians are the ones you share the office with in London, Shangai, New York, Berlin, Melbourne, Istanbul. More, those are the ones that probably are still in Italy but they can’t break the silence wall even if they are called by Government to set the development program and the Government, day by day, disattends their advices writing norms and laws going in the opposite direction. Those Italians are the one that everyday are fighting against a system that is more oriented to “destroy the enemy” than  to “make the future”; to create the way to conserve privileges than to help the economy. These people (we) are Italians, you’re favourite fiction characters aren’t.

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