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Tag: cone of silence

Il cono del silenzio

Cone of Silence è l’espressione coniata da Mike Johansson in questo post per identificare quel fenomeno per cui l’abuso di social media possa far perdere il contatto con la realtà. L’espressione è riferita in particolare al mondo business, ma quanto descrive M.J. nel post è applicabile anche alla vita sociale di tutti i giorni. The “cone” is that space where you are so surrounded by online input that it feels like you’re on top of everything: You’re following the best blogs in your industry. You follow the smartest people on Twitter. You are involved in the deepest discussions on relevant LinkedIn groups. In a nutshell you’re so plugged in you’re the go-to person for what’s hot, what’s new and what’s over the horizon. […] So who are you likely ignoring (or at least not paying enough attention to)? Le persone.

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