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Category: Social Network & Social Media

Improving and optimizing the information gathering on web

Due to the proliferation of websites and the growing avaibility of information it’s difficult to keep themself update without selecting the source of informations. The common approach (and probably the most sure one) is to follow the most known and trusted source. As well as I did, you probably collected your preferred sources based on personal trust or because the reputation given by people you trust. The Strenght is you use “certified” sources. The Weakness is the risk to have only one a point of view and to miss more suitable informations for your needs. So, how to search for new sources on topic you are intersted in? It is enough to merge google search into your google reader account. This is also a good practice to monitor your on line presence (you need only for searching your name :-)) Let’s start: ARRANGING THE SEARCH make a search on Google (for instance: “B2B Marketing”) under the section “Search” in the left sidebar select “News“ go to the page’s bottom and click “create an email alert for [you’ll find your search query here]“. You will reach The Google Alert page  SETTING THE ALERT Select the result type you want (Default is “News” but you can choose Blogs, Videos, Discussions, Books). You can choose “All Items”, if you prefer, but I suggest to limit the search in 1 category. Select the requency of updates. This is how often Google Alert will send you notifications. Depends on the goal of your search, but usually 1 time per week is enough. Tell how many results you want. You can choose “All results” or “Only the Best”. If you don’t have any particular need and your search is quite generic, I suggest to choose “only the best results” in order to avoid an overload [remember, you have to filter it] Set the deliver to option. You can decide to get the notification delivered to your email account or to a feed. The first option is useful if you don’t have any feed reader but you will have more emails in your inbox. You can choose the Feed option only if you have a Google Account and you configured the Google Reader. If you did, the results will be pushed into your Google Reader Account. Will you find your new “source” ? You can manage it as you were used to do: adding to your bookmark or importing feed into your feed reader and that’s all. Have you any further methods to improve and organize your information’s sources?

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The forgotten social media

An old motto said that you have to know where you are from in order to know where you are going to. When Mark Zuckeberg created facebook, his main purpose was to create a tool able to get people in touch and to know the day by day of your friend. The same motivation it was about mySpace before the Facebook’s birth. Motivation still alive in a large part of the 2.1 billion internet users. Even if often blogger and social media experts use to point out the conversation as the main driver in social networking, reading about social media marketing and attending to workshops it seems that the human part of social media has been forgotten. The “X step to” and “how to” approach suggested by many blog posts often highlight the human part in social media relationship but they treat it as a variable in a complex analytical model without describing exactly what does it mean. Perhaps it is the natural development. Anyway the more you remember why people use social media and the less you think in business-mind oriented approach, the more you will be effective. So, It isn’t philantropy to just remember that in social media there are human beings, nor target or audience.  

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Social media beyond marketing & communication

In many presentions I find on internet about social media for business, I observed a focus on social media used as a tool for marketing communication activities. Even if the marketing and communication usage is the most common one and, probably, the most attractive there are many business case linked to the use of social media as a business development tool or, sometimes, as a business model. Collecting some business case from the web, I tried to highlight this approach during the speech I had last friday at Ekonomi Universitesi in Izmir- I would be glad if you have more business case to suggest. It would be nice to create a non “Marketing Communication” list of social media usage.

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Is Facebook running too fast?

Well, during the latest F8 which has taken place on thursday, Facebook has launched the Timeline feature. Since January when has been annunced that the Zuckerberg’s Network has been losing users in US, Facebook started a development competition that is involving security and privacy settings, groups and fanpage. Following the launching in beta of Google+, Facebook has been starting to develop many features such as the more recents featured lists, the subscribing option, the real-time activity streaming and, few days ago, timeline profile. Too much in less than one year? I think so. The ratio we have to consider on features is the learning curve required to users to accept and learning at the best the innovation. An overflow of update should stress out users and shall create a block in using it. It’s clear that Facebook goal is to arrest the potential competition of Google+, becoming an all-inclusive social network, inglobing twitter, friendfeed and google+ feature. Anyway the continuing and fast changing in user experience could create an opposite result, getting users far from the usage. From the business side, the continuing improvement shall get companies in difficult on social media strategy, especially for those companies that haven’t enough budget to build a dedicated team to follow the innovation.  Furthermore, enterprises will have more difficult in monitoring ROI due to the continuing and fast updating of tatics required from the new feature. Which will be the impact of these strategy of fast improvement?    

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Non subire il social web

Ultimamente sono un po’ latente da queste parti. Il tempo, ahimè, è tiranno e la velocità con cui si evolve il mondo non lo rende molto più docile. Dovrò anche io, prima o poi, decidermi a fare un po’ di selezione della mia presenza in rete, prima di fondermi completamente. Proprio per questo , in questi giorni, verificavo la quantità di account che ho attivi in rete. Oltre a Facebook, Twitter e LinkedIN il numero di social cosi a cui sono iscritto ormai inizia a diventare ingestibile: FriendFeed (che non ho mai usato molto); Tumblr & Amplify (dove talvolta condivido articoli, immagini, citazioni in modo collegato); Viadeo; Meemi; Quora; … e non so quanti altri [ Anzi, se per caso trovate un mio account da qualche parte, segnalatemelo pls 🙂] A questo punto: a cosa serve l’onnipresenza sulla rete quando non si riesce più a gestire gli account? La gestione del social web è un lavoro che rischia di essere a tempo pieno e che ha dei costi, specie quando è anche uno strumento professionale e non ci si vuole limitare a “sindacare” link, ma intrattenere “conversazioni”. Detto questo per poter partecipare alla conversazione, è necessario essere presenti laddovè avviene. E non ci sono tool di monitoraggio che tengano, la presenza è presenza e se non si ha un team che può seguirla, è obbligatorio scegliere. Ma come? Il principio è lo stesso che vale anche per le aziende. Andando dove si ha il massimo del ritorno, tenendo aperte le porte ad altri canali, ma focalizzando gli sforzi laddove è conveniente farlo. Non è detto che FB, Linkedin, Twitter siano i luoghi giusti, non c’è una regola fissa. L’analisi anche personale della propria presenza in rete, deve servire ad evitare di subire il social web e di non esserne soffocati. Per chi lo utilizza anche come strumento di lavoro, significa ad esempio migliorare il propira capacità di engagement e, magari, rientrare nella lista di influencer.